Monday, November 30, 2009

Obsession of the Day- Feathers

With the recent holiday, we can't help but showcase something that reminds us...Feathers. These little fluttery pieces have made an appearance in the fashion world in the last few seasons and we just gobble them up (quirky no?). We first fell in love with them when we saw the Olsen Twins use them on a skirt for their Elizabeth and James line and the obsession hasn't stopped.

Feathers are beginning to be incorporated into everything-hats, coats, headbands, fasteners, and even jewelry (dolcezza used them on quite a few pieces of the 'La Vita Bella' collection). Regardless of the flight of feathers in fashion, we are still taken with feather adorned skirts. We love full feathered skirts, perhaps a mixture of Diana Ross and Big Bird, but our current obsession are skirts with feathers peaking out from the bottom. Again, Forever 21 hits it home with this fabulous black skirt. The classic silhouette with the sleek and slight metallic feathers is to die for. A great skirt to celebrate all you are thankful for (and you can look simply fabulous doing it!).

Tanti Baci